Thursday, 3 January 2013

Continuity Task Evaluation.

How has the Continuity Task aided my understanding of the film-making process? 

Storyboard/Shot list: When we had come up with the story for our continuity task, we needed to bring it to life in a number if steps. The first of those steps being to draw up a storyboard and shot list. The storyboard would be vital as we would need to follow it when it came to filming. 
I think that our group used the storyboard when filming very effectively. Having it with us when filming allowed us to efficiently get the whole film shot. Simple things like knowing where to set up the camera for the correct angle, and if there would be any dialogue in the shot, meant that we were able to film everything in a good amount of time, leaving us with a good chunk of time to edit and re-shoot anything. 
The only element of the storyboarding process that I feel our group could have improved on is the detail that we put down on the paper about mise-en-scene, sound and transitions. Most importantly, we need to include details about sound bridges - something we did not think of when making the storyboard for this task. 

Filming/Editing: I think that the filming of our task went very well. We filmed most of our shots all on one day. I think that we used a various number of shot types which has added to the originality of the piece and all of the shots are stable and in focus which adds to the quality of the shots. I feel that the continuity has been kept throughout the piece, however, the first shot of the scene was filmed on a different day to the rest of the piece. This meant that our main character was in different clothing - yet, the clothes are fairly similar which was very helpful for us. I personally, do not feel that it is very noticeable and does not ruin the continuity of the task very much. 
If we could re-film the piece, then I think we would need to try and include more interesting camera movements. For example we could put a track in or a pan. This would add variety to the piece and not make it look as still as it does. 
As for editing, we edited it together as a group using Premier Pro. The editing process was not that advanced - we cut the clips down and put them in order. Then where necessary, placed in different types of cuts. We have a few cross dissolves which makes the flow of the piece less jumpy and quick. This was said about one of the sections in our film. That the cuts where too fast and sudden and made the scene too jumpy and harsh on the eye. 
In our piece, there is not that much dialogue, which mean that the sound was taken out of the a majority of the clips. Meaning that we needed a fitting piece of music. I found a piece that was used in the film 'Kick Ass' which suited our piece well. When we added it over the top, it suited the piece and the timing was synced. 

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