Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tinker Tailor Solider Spy Titles

Titles: The titles for this film are put over a montage of what appears to be peoples everyday life over a few months - we get clear signs of different seasons. The text is very thick, yet very elegant and appears very slowly in different places in the screen. There is little movement in the text and the movement that is there is very subtle and just noticeable. The font is white which adds to the elegant and pure feel to the opening sequence. The music also emphasises the elegance of the opening, playing a slow demure track, it makes the scene seem more calm and not very 'thriller' like. This is a good way to start the film as it makes people wonder what is going to happen and where the twist will be. 
   In my own opinion, I do not think that the length of this title sequence is very suitable. It spans for almost 13 minutes, and I think that by the end of it, most people wont be paying any attention to the words that are displayed. Then again, for this film I do not think that the titles are the main element that they want to focus on. 

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