Do Generic Conventions help or restrict film makers?
- Focusing in the science fiction genre.
My Group: Reece, Harry, Beth H, Charlotte.
We decided that we would argue the generic conventions do and don't restrict film makers.
Does Restrict them:
- Audience will get bored
- Prevents writers from being imaginative and original in their ideas
- Writers feel scared to push the genres boundaries and hold back from introducing new themes and
Does not restrict them:
- Guides the writer
- Ensures we have enough genre familiarity in society
- Audience feels comfortable with the film they are going to see - know what they're getting
For our presentation, we decided to summarise the points, until we had four final points. Each member would then take a point and explain it further in the presentation. The order was as followed:
Point 1: Reece
Point 2: Harry
Point 3: Beth
Point 4: Charlotte
Please return to the first slide I did on genre and reflect on what you have left out; these missing parts will help you with your coursework reserach and planning and ultimately evaluation